Last Minute Shopping? Find us at Alderney and the Forum on Saturday.
HardyWares Preserves has the finest local gifts for all your friends and family. Find us at the Forum and Alderney Landing on Saturday....

HardyWares has your gifts at the Chris Kindle Market and the RECC Craft Fair
There are still plenty of Christmas markets and HardyWares Preserves will be there. Choose the finest gifts of preserves from our...

Where Oh Where Can I Find HardyWares?
Christmas markets can be found everywhere this weekend. And so can HardyWares Preserves. There's still time to stock up for the holidays...

Lucky 13! Find us at 13 Craft Shows in November...
It's true, we are everywhere from Pictou to Halifax to Sherbrooke this month. Larry's been cooking up a storm for Christmas markets all...

It's Christmas All Weekend Long at the Sportsplex!
Come visit us at the first major craft show of the season! October 23rd-25th, Dartmouth Sportsplex The Dartmouth Handcrafters' Guild...

What do Elmsdale and HardyWares have in common? Margaret!
Visit the Elmsdale District School Fair on Saturday and look for Margaret! Stock up on your Christmas Jam, Million Dollar Relish and...

Where's Larry?
Looking for Larry and Margaret this Thanksgiving weekend? You can find Larry and Margaret at the Alderney Landing Farmers' Market today!...

Christmas is coming early to Windsor!
A fireman's breakfast, Christmas and Hardywares! Find us at the Windsor Legion, 35 Empire Lane (upstairs) The Christmas Fair is held in...

Antigonish or Windsor This Weekend?
What to do the last weekend of September? Visit Larry in Windsor or Margaret in Larry will be finishing up the final weekend of the 250th...

Make Plans for Cole Harbour on Saturday!
See you at the Famers Market at the Cole Harbour Harvest Festival, September 12, 2015 This year's Cole Harbour Harvest Festival will kick...